Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Annual Musicians Retreat

The 2018 Annual Musicians Retreat will take on a different flavour this year.

The retreat will be offered through a series of written reflections that you can use on your own, at the beginning of choir practice or in any creative way you are inspired to. Retreat materials will be posted here in six parts over the coming weeks of Lent. The themes are:

  • From Singer to Proclaimer: Interpreting the Word and Letting It Interpret You
  • Mystery, mystery and...too much mystery: When you're running (and singing/playing) on low
  • My Body/Breath/Song given for you
  • Treasures in the back of Catholic Book of Worship III
  • Power of Lament
  • Vigiling without Indigestion: Silence and the Word

Those who wish to gather in the company of other musicians to explore the retreat materials are most welcome to join us on the evening of Friday, March 2 for a time of meditative prayer with illuminations from The Saint John's Bible or Saturday, March 3 when we explore the themes mentioned above - or on both dates!

A warm welcome is extended to spouses and other family members who often see little of their musician family members at this time of year.

Advanced registration for Saturday is appreciated so that we can ensure sufficient nourishment for participants. Please register by February 23.

Those who participate in the evening of prayer and the retreat day will receive a package of printed materials to facilitate participation in the retreat.

We look forward to offering the Annual Musicians Retreat in a new way, and to our time together in Fergus.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello,

    I would find it easier if the reflections were posted in the blog instead of being buried somewhere in my inbox.

    David Milne
