We began with sung prayer on Friday night, contemplating the Paschal Mystery, with meditative songs and illuminations from The Saint John's Bible.
On Saturday we shared our experience of reflections 1 and 2 during the week leading up to our gathering and then moved on to reflection on the obstacles to understanding the psalms by both the congregation and by the music ministers.
Reflection 4 was a definite treat in its delivery and in the time of personal prayer and quiet group discussion that followed.
We concluded our retreat with the material of session 7 "This Is My Body Given For You" and then enjoyed each other's company over lunch.
Retreat participants identified the following elements of the day as highlights:
* Listening and Tuning
* Singing the Communion Song
* Reflection 4 was deeply moving
* A reminder of my role of cantor and my responsibilities in proclaiming the psalm
* The psalms connect with my life more than I realized
* The meaning and interpretation of the psalms
* The opportunity to gather with others in prayer and reflection
Watch for Reflection 4 in two parts - an email tonight and one early tomorrow morning. I agree with Saturday's participants...it is a highlight of the retreat!
Some photos from our retreat
Please feel free to share some of your responses in the comment section.
The day was fantastic! What a way to get rejuvenated into our ministry as musicians! I went back home for 5 p.m. Mass with such a great feeling!